greetings from scotland

  • greetings from edinburgh to my fellow Fiat fans. I am a member of here in the UK. apologies for my lack of German Language - i speak some french but only very little german - hopefully my german will improve. I drive a 98 cinquecento sporting and am looking to modify this car soon so may be looking for some advice in the future.

  • :?: Hi again - i dont know if this is the correct part of the forum to ask this but here goes - the plan for my cinq is to lower it and fit 7x13 and 8x13 alufelge and to smooth the bodywork i have been bidding on ebay for smoor and ATS felgen but no luck yet!- i am looking for some number plate frames to give it a german look. i am looking for number plate frames from a fiat dealer (autohaus?) with their name, address etc on the frame. can anyone help me or tell me where i can get some.
    Thank you
    Vielen Danke

  • So thats me again...

    here i have pics:

    one type of plates with adress (dealer no more existent)
    one type more style but no adress

    GE = Gelsenkirchen (Ruhrgebiet -> northwest germany)
    RE = Recklinghausen (next to Gelsenkirchen g*)
    waiting for your reply - funny project you have with your 600 - should be an honour for us all here, that an english tuner tries to get a german style :lol:

  • Hi Robin - had a look at the photos - i assume that the frames are separate from the number plates - so i could put a british plate into the frame? what dealer details are on the frames?
    I have a Red Cinq Sporting with only 40,000km on it - will be lowering it and putting on alufelge - i like the smoor but would love to be able to afford the schmidt th-line but i think they are very expensive!!! - i don't want to fit wider wheel arches (bodykit) but will alter the existing ones to be wider. personally I prefer the german look to what is normally done in the uk - jap bodykits and huge wheels - yuk!!! - i like the car to be smooth.
    i am currently collecting the parts that i need and will do the modifications once i have all the parts.
    thanks for your help

  • Robin - just a small point regarding your last post - please change "english tuner " to "Scottish Tuner" - we are far more adventurous than english tuners! - which part of Germany are you from - i've only been to Germany 2 times - both times to Augsburg near munich - but i did manage to have a visit to the MAN museum in Augsburg- worth a visit.
    although i can speak french and latin - my german is not very good - but i do have a friend who is fluent in German so he can translate for me if necessary.
    your car looks amazing - good attention to detail.

  • hi Greg,

    yes ähm... the frames are seperate from plates so that you can easily change plates by plug and play ^^ or i'd rather say click and drive hehe...

    sorry ... "scottish tuner" ... i've already been in gb and should know the difference ...

    i'm from northwest germany - RUhr area - where coal was interesting for a long time... when you look at the card it is the region ... between cologne/ düsseldorf and dortmund...

    perhaps i find a card...

  • Hi @ all ;)

    Well, Robin, your english is pretty good ;) Respect =P
    I want to join the party if it's allowed ^ ^

    And I've got something special for both of you ;)

    Map of Germany:

    So, in the south you can see Augsburg. If you had a look now to the North-West, you will find an area with many cities which are at close quarters. So you can see cities like Bochum, Essen and Dortmund. Between these cities, there is also Gelsenkirchen and Recklinghausen ;)

    I hope I could help you two ;)

    Greetz Itzy

  • thanks for the map guys - i'm impressed at how good your english is and embarrassed at how non existent my german is!
    i've never been to that part of germany - only to bavaria - i had a friend lived in augsburg for a while but unfortunately no longer.
    Robin - is there any way we can arrange for you to send a set of your number plate frames to me (the ones with the garage name and number-i'm assuming they mention FIAT on them)- if you can let me know how much it will cost i can send you the euros.

  • they do mention Fiat on both...
    following details:

    FIAT - Autohaus Flöter - Dinslaken - 02064... - FIAT
    (fiat - dealer and name of dealer - town - tel. nr. - fiat)

    does hermes do things like that? ...

    regarding paying ... maybe it's worthy a penny ^^ - only costs to the way to you...
    i will ask my friend to let them go out as soon as i have your adress :)

    i will ask for shipping costs in between :)

    i send you a PN (private notice/message)

    kind regards - Robin

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